20s Costumes to Achieve a 20s Casual Look

In the 20s, casual clothing depicted same cultural trends just like the flapper evening wears. Frivolity, new-found freedom and exuberance were the major characteristics of the 1920s. This was when America came out from the shackles of the First World War. 20s costumes and fashion reflected this cultural trend.
In essence, men and women alike started to dress for flash and comfort contrary to modesty and formality. In the 20s, the fashionable dressers integrated coordination in their look, from their hat to their shoes, showing off the slim silhouette as well as vibrant spirit that became the norm of the era.

Women’s 20s Casual Clothing Ideas
What women wore as casual dresses changed in a dramatic manner after the World War 1. These included their undergarments and accessories. Corsets were no longer stiff and were ultimately dumped for bras and camisoles. Also, women wore long-waisted dresses that came down to the knee.
The flapper women who were trendy back in the days largely wore dresses without sleeve and featuring vertical, straight silhouettes. And, pants also started to be the in-thing among women, influenced by 20s women campaign for equal rights.
Bright colors that echoed the exuberance of the time were also popular in the 20s. Therefore, integrating these features in your 20s costumes and clothing items will provide you with a typical 20s casual look.

The 20s casual dressing and look was complemented with certain accessories among the female folks. Although casual, the flapper women widely sought after head-to-toe looks, influencing them to also integrate accessories such as jewelry, handbags, hats, shoes, and stockings.
Makeup was also not lightly applied. The women wore colorful stockings and largely demanded Mary Janes shoes – featuring two-inch heels. And, the most widely sought-after hats in those days were cloches since they showed off the flapper women’s short hair.

Men’s 20s Casual Clothing Ideas
Different strokes for different folks; men in the 20s largely embraced suits, even as a casual wear. Then, since formality became archaic in the 20s, men no longer wore suits with vests.
The male folks who largely influenced the fashion of this era were aviators and athletes. Young men and even older men alike reduced their coats to copy football jerseys as well as driving rackets. In addition, suits were made to provide men with vertical and slim look, instead of highlighting the broad-shouldered and more mature silhouette that characterized the 1910 era.

The accessories of the 20s to complement your 20s casual look include hats. But, not top hat, since it was seen as too formal at some point, and was subsequently replaced with fedoras and trilbies. Belts were also worn in the 20s to complement shorter jackets. They also wore colorful stockings and sweaters.
Other 20s costumes accessories for men to achieve a casual look include bow ties, regular ties, handkerchiefs, and gloves.